How to ‘Let Go and Let God’ with Adult Children in Trouble

Those of us who are parents know that the connection we share with our children doesn’t end when they’ve grown. Our role ideally changes through the years, from provider and protector to advisor. We want to respect their independence while being near if they need us. Maintaining that balance can be challenging at the best … Read more

What to Do if Your Child Has Walked Away from the Faith

ince the first episode of my podcast Christian Parent/Crazy World, we have been discussing how to help our kids stand strong in the faith. We’ve tackled tough parenting questions like: Is Christianity Just a Religion of Do’s and Don’ts? Is Scripture Just a Book Written By Some Ancient Dead Guys? And a four-part series on … Read more

Evil ‘Doctor’ Pumped His
Patient’s Face With Cement!

We all love to look beautiful. But what if something goes wrong?This is what happened to a woman who wanted to get botoxinjection and later realised the evil doctor had pumped her facewith cement! The most important part of being beautiful is when you feelbeautiful from within. Whether you dye your hair or get a … Read more