Teens see suspicious man carrying an inebriated woman and follow him when it doesn’t feel right

Arnaud Nimenya, James Hielema, Starlyn Rivas-Perez, and Carsyn Wright are four teenage skateboarders. They are also being hailed as heroes for their brave actions to save a young woman from an assault. The four teens noticed something disturbing. The four skateboarders were hanging out in the underground parking lot at Chinook Mall.As skateboarders often do, … Read more

83-year-old becomes oldest woman to compete in Tough Mudder

“Muddy Mildred” Wilson has completed her third Tough Mudder race. Did we mention she’s 83 years old?She is officially the oldest person to compete and finish the 5k race. She first joined the race in 2019 after watching her son, Danny, complete the Tough Mudder race in Las Vegas. “I had watched him do the … Read more