My mother-in-law is an unmarried woman and lives alone. Yesterday I went to see her because I needed to pick something up and at this point we couldn’t control ourselves, look what happened. Now I am ashamed I don’t know what I’m going to tell my wife

I have always loved and respected my mother-in-law very much. At this point, our financial situation is not good and I feel terrible about it, but I am doing everything I can to settle it. I went to my mother-in-law’s house, I wanted to pick something up. My mother-in-law knew about our bad financial situation … Read more

Yesterday, my daughter was gone until 2 a.m. In the middle of the night, an unknown man brought him in a horrible state, in torn clothes, and look what happened. what am I going to do now

We live in the country and are rarely in town. My daughter always told me where she went, never came home late and always answered my calls. Yesterday she went to her friend’s house and she wasn’t home until 2 a.m. I called but she didn’t answer, then I decided to call my friend and … Read more