Railway cats: how stray cats saved the Diorama restaurant in Japan from from closing because of the Pandemic

In Japan, Naoki Teraoka almost lost his restaurant business due to financial difficulties. However, homeless cats helped him save. In 2018, in Osaka, Naoki Teraoka opened a small establishment that he called “Diorama”. Its feature was small models of the railway with miniature trains, bridges, stations and even tiny workers. The institution became popular, but … Read more

No one could help the wolf and then he went to the people

Recently, a lot has been said about mercy and compassion, and mainly it concerns representatives of the human race. But then what remains to be done for a beast in a difficult situation, which, apart from human help, has nothing else to count on? In our story, thanks to the caring attitude and sympathy for … Read more

This man did not know that wolves are not amenable to training, and that’s what happened to him

In modern society, deprivation of liberty is rightfully considered one of the harshest punishments provided for by law. But if a person, sooner or later, the term of imprisonment comes to an end, then for animals languishing in captivity, it lasts a lifetime, turning them into eternal prisoners of human whim. In this story, observation … Read more