This Little Rock woman just turned 104 years old. Take a moment to wish Ms. Dorothy Pumphrey a very happy birthday

Dorothy Pumphrey, who has been a lifelong Little Rock resident, just celebrated her 104th birthday! LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Happy birthday! It’s officially now 104 rotations around the sun for one Arkansas woman. Dorothy Pumphrey, who has been a lifelong Little Rock resident, just celebrated her 104th birthday. Her secret behind celebrating so many birthdays? … Read more

U.S. Army Field Band performs a powerful tribute to heroes

The United States Army Field Band’ performs ‘Forged in Fire’ by Mark Watters, transcribed for the band by the composer and Ira Hearshen. This was performed live in concert as a tribute to search and rescue teams around the country that risk their lives to keep us safe! The song is strong all through as … Read more

The truth about Dean Martin, according to his own daughter

A giant amongst giants. The king of cool. Dean Martin has always been my favorite crooner. Not only was he a terrific singer and entertainer, but Dean was also incredibly funny; his talent was absolutely second to none. But even though I’m a huge fan of this iconic man, I was quite surprised when his … Read more

Only The Smartest People Will Find The Odd Cat In 3 Seconds

CHALLENGE: Give it a try a test your visual skills! Slit-lamp examinationA slit lamp is a microscope that magnifies and illuminates the front of your eye with an intense line of light. Your doctor uses this device to examine the eyelids, lashes, cornea, iris, lens and fluid chamber between your cornea and iris. Your doctor … Read more

‘America’s Got Talent’ teen with “super human” voice wins Golden Buzzer

Singer Sarah James has the voice, the stage presence, the personality, and she’s just thirteen years old. The teen wowed America’s Got Talent with her mind boggling interpretation of Billie Eilish’s hit tune, “Beautiful.” I seriously love Billie, but this child sang that melody better than the first. Such countless goosebumps. Her voice is simply … Read more