Married Couple Give Us A Peek Inside Their Prayer Room

You have to check out this video of a married couple who gives us a peek inside their amazing prayer room.

The couple in the video are Tori and Chad Masters. They are a Christian family that shares their life on YouTube in hopes of encouraging others. Recently, they shared about the prayer room they put together in their home.

“We have been wanting to share this video for so, so long, and we are beyond excited to finally take you guys inside our prayer room,” Toru and Chad write on their YouTube page. “There is quite literally not a room more special to us. Hope you enjoy and find some inspiration to create your own space for prayer!”

At the beginning of the video, Tori is seen standing inside of the prayer room. “I know that it’s tiny, but it is quite mighty,” she says.

She then goes on to share about how she went about building out the room and what her strategy is when she prays. There are old pages from the Bible on one side of the room, used to cover the wall like wallpaper. And on the back wall, there are prayer requests posted on one side, and then once they are answered, they are moved to the other side of the wall.

“I love having this because it’s such a reminder of God’s faithfulness when you get to come in here and cross it off, put answered, put it on the other side,” shares Tori. “I’ve recently done that with some of my friends who we have been praying for a long time to get pregnant.”

The other wall is broken up into different areas of prayer that the couple has. “There’s prayer over our baby, which I actually started doing when Micah was still in my belly, before I even knew he was a boy….this one is prayers over our community,” Tori says as she points to the different parts of the wall.

The whole layout is very inspiring; what a great idea to have this in your home! We hope that you were encouraged by this prayer room today!