Flight attendant suspicious of a young girl and elderly man, only to find a 3-word note in the bathroom after take-off

When a man and a teenage girl boarded a flight from Seattle to San Francisco, Alaska Airline flight attendant Shelia Frederick was suspicious. The man was smartly dressed while the girl wasn’t and she refused to make eye contact with anyone. While doing her job aboard the plane, Shelia could not stop wondering about the girl … Read more

Her daughter called her fat after they went swimming – now her response has the internet cheering

Calling someone “fat” is a painful insult. But why is that? That’s what everyone was left wondering after a mother of two named Allison shared her story of what happened when she went swimming with her children recently. When the 30-year-old’s daughter called her fat, Allison had a brilliant response, and now her message is … Read more

Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward Were Considered The Epitome of A Fairytale Love Story, Earning The Title Of The ‘Golden Couple’ of Hollywood

The gorgeous Joanne Woodward just turned 93! Sadly, reports say that she’s suffering from a terrible disease and doesn’t have much time left – and the last photo of her in public is hard to handle. Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward were the Hollywood golden couple. With a marriage that spanned five decades, these two … Read more