It was my daughter-in-law’s birthday, and I hadn’t received my pension enough to buy a nice present. Look, what a surprise I thought, I love that child like my daughter

My daughter-in-law is such a sweet girl. Indeed, from the very first day, he entered our house and gave us nothing but love and warmth. My wife and I decided that her birthday should be celebrated in a special way in our house.

But we are retired people, not millionaires, so we can give whatever we want, buy whatever our heart desires. We didn’t know what to do, but my daughter-in-law knows our situation very well, she has no demands from us.

My wife and I decided to do something like this. We went and bought the latest model phone on credit. We calculated that we will pay off the debt in one year and took a risk.

When she saw the gift, she cried so much, she was so happy, we were all together. What should we do, we love that child like our daughter, we want to make her happy in the best way.