JFK’s only grandson Jack Schlossberg – everything you need to know

Being a member of the legendary Kennedy clan means that you are constantly in the media’s spotlight.

But John F Kennedy’s only grandson, Jack Schlossberg, has managed to avoid the limelight for quite some time. Jack, who is the only son of Caroline Kennedy, is currently studying law at Havard and has long been interested in politics.

But it was first at the Democratic National Convention 2020 that Jack really stepped out on the big stage and expressed his opinions to millions of people.

Just minutes after giving his support for Joe Biden and criticizing Donald Trump, people on social media immediately cited the similarity between Jack and his legendary grandfather, JFK.

Some fans quickly pointed out that Jack was strikingly similar to his late uncle, John F Kennedy Jr., and also his grandfather JFK.

John F. Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, was known for his passionate political career, which ended tragically with his assassination on November 22, 1963 in Dallas, Texas.

“Good looks really do run in the family then! What a gorgeous man. His granddad would be so proud I bet,” one observer wrote.

“I just gasped. Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg’s son looks remarkably like her late brother/his late uncle JFK, Jr. Wow,” another user tweeted.

Jack also received many comments about his attractive looks and appearance, with fans praising his ‘perfect hair’ and ‘strong jawline’.

“Jack Schlossberg is just like his dear grandfather, the resemblance is uncanny. Look at that perfect hair!” one user wrote.

But it’s not just Jack’s looks that have made him a name.

Jack has written political pieces and taken a firm stand against conservative politicians in The Washington Post, The New York Times and Time Magazine.

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